Monday, March 24, 2014

This Week In... Orlando!

Hey everyone!! I'm baaaaaaaaaack! The cold 32 degree weather was kind of a punch in the gut coming back from the gorgeous 85 degree Florida weather but that's the way it goes I suppose. Anyway, I just got home about an hour ago and I couldn't wait to show you guys some pictures from my trip! You'll have to wait until Wednesday to see the yummy food I had down there though ;) Such a tease, I know.

I know you're probably wondering why the hell I took a pic of my "allergy kit." Well, it's because I was going to be sharing a space with...

This handsome guy!! He is so freaking cute I can't stand it. Here he is resting on the very top level of his kitty mansion that his grandma got for him ;) You can see he can't be bothered by my nosiness.

So on Friday we ran our usual errands that we run when I visit (Whole Foods, grocery store, wine store, etc.) and after that we settled in to catch up and...

Have a glass of wine with Kathie Lee and Hoda... those lushes, hahahaha! He loves them and I find them amusing, especially their love of daydrinking so we decided to join them for a glass of wine. And this was when I found out that wine makes me soooooooo sleepy.

Here is an obligatory photo of a silhouette of a palm tree. When in Florida, take photos of palm trees.

On Saturday we took a little day trip to a town about 40 minutes away from my friend called Cassadaga. It is a spiritualist community and is known for the amount of mediums and psychics that inhabit the town. We walked around and checked out the shops and it was really interesting. I purchased a few things but I'll hold off until Saturday to tell you about that ;) I'm full of teases in this post!

It was hard to get a clear pic of the building but this is the Cassadaga Hotel. The building was so incredibly beautiful, this photo doesn't do it justice.

There was also a park and a short nature trail in the town. It is so hard to describe but the air smelled sweet! When we were walking the trail the air smelled amazing and sweet and I *think* it may be because there were orange trees around there? I thought I saw a sign for it but I didn't see any oranges. Lots of little lizards running around too.

On Sunday we had a lazy day and watched some movies before going out for an evening walk around Lake Baldwin (the same lake from the pictures last year) followed by dinner (and a margarita) on the patio of a Mexican Restaurant.

Here is the gorgeous view from our table at the restaurant. It happened to be sunset too so we were treated to a blue and pink sky. It was a gorgeous evening. (Note - I darkened this picture on purpose so you can't really see the faces of the other diners. I feel weird showing people without permission!)

Today we were slow waking up but then got ourselves together and went to a vegan restaurant for breakfast (actually lunch since it was noon when we got there) and then just hung out until it was time for me to leave.

The flight home was ok and I was treated to some gorgeous sunset views. Naturally I captured them for you, my friends.

Beautiful, colorful sunset!

Sunset over NY. So pretty, the colors were so stunning. 

When I walked outside at the airport here in NY I was greeted by bitter cold temperatures. It's crazy what a different a thousand miles makes ;)

So there is the overview of my trip! Stay tuned for Wednesday to see what delicious meals I ate (and cooked) while I was there. I'll do my best to catch up with all of your posts too!


  1. Wow, those sunset photos are gorgeous! I have to say, though, that I am most impressed with you getting a shot of that kitty with his eyes open. That is a challenge when it comes to cats!

    1. Thank you so much! The sunset just got prettier with each passing moment. Haha it wasn't too difficult to get the open eyes because he was staring me down! He didn't want to be disturbed ;)

  2. The thing that struck me most about this post is how cool it must be to have a professional photographer come visit. Your BFF gets some great keepsakes.

    Looking forward to seeing the Lizard and grub pics on Saturday.

    1. Haha thanks :) I think the only pictures he has now are the ones of his kitty and one of the sunset pics. I'm definitely the one that is benefitting more from it since I'm building up a collection of possible art pieces for a future apartment :)

      No lizard pics but lots of grub coming your way today!

  3. Oh my gosh, what a lucky gal you are! Such beautiful landscapes, and what a cute feline model! The last shot coming in at sunset is really spectacular. I wish there was smello-vision so I could capture the scent you mention! My only way to relate is how California in the summer smells like gardenias.

    Looking forward to your next installment!

    1. Thank you! The scenery is always beautiful and his kitty is so sweet. A bit skittish and neurotic but very sweet :) Thanks, I love that sunset shot too! I couldn't stop looking out the window! The scent was so sweet and lovely, it was like instant aromatherapy.


  4. I was going to say- no picture of the vegan breakfast??? Can't wait to see the rest of the pictures! Sounds like a great trip :)

    1. Haha I don't know if I have pictures of breakfast (we didn't do brunch this time) but lots of really great meals coming your way today! It was really fun, it went by too quick!
