Monday, February 8, 2016

Snow Day Baking

Hey you guys! I know, long time no see. Things got crazy and I'm not really into all of this snow. I am not going to guarantee three posts a week or specific posts on specific days, especially while things are crazy but I did want to pop in to show you some baking I did this weekend! The weather has been a little nutty and like a dummy I went out this morning to run some errands but once I got home and put on some warm comfy clothes I decided to get some baking done :)

So these beauties are the Skinny Figgy Bars  from Fat Free Vegan Kitchen. I have wanted to try these for so long and I finally got around to making them.

Here they are all cut open! I haven't tried it yet but they look and smell incredible. I have frozen most of them so I can just pull one out when I feel like having one :) I'll let you know how they taste when I try them!

I also baked another loaf of Chocolate Covered Katie's Fat Free Banana Bread. Naturally I added in some chocolate chips again because why wouldn't I?!

Here it is showing off all that chocolate goodness. I love this stuff! I also wrapped each piece separately and froze them so I can pull a piece out as I want it.

That's all I've got today! I will promise a food post this week because I've been taking pictures but I don't know when :) It'll be a fun surprise haha.

Hope you all have a great week!


  1. Those skinny figgy bars look amazing! They look like a new and improved fig newton! I don't miss living in the snow belt, but the sunsets are gorgeous.That's an amazing picture!

    1. The fig bars are really good!! I'm a little partial to the banana bread but the bars are great too.

      I hate the snow but love the sunset ;)

  2. Haven't tried one yet! You have such self-restraint! If I'm baking, I'm pretty much devouring a portion straight from the oven. :-) Those bars look great. And that banana bread! I've been seeing a lot of banana bread on the blogs lately. I think this is a sign I should make some soon.

    1. Haha I hear you!! I just wasn't hungry at all when they came out... the banana bread was a different story though ;) I've been loving my banana bread lately.

  3. Beautiful winter photograph! I agree, however, that I am so ready for spring. Heck, I'm ready for summer! Happily though, I am planning my second to last unit of the year (Krakauer's Into the Wild for American Lit, and a Black Lit unit with Lit Circles for AP English), so that greatly excites me!

    Lots of delicious baked goods, I need to make my own treats so I can control the sodium and sugar! These look awesome!

    1. Thank you!! Isn't it crazy how quickly the year is going?! Before you know it you'll be on summer break again and ill be super jealous!

      I like baking my treats for the same reason. I always use less sugar and prefer it that way :)
